Jumat, 30 September 2011

Yoga Mudras for healthy and Shiny Skin

Now-a-days, everybody (men or women) has become very conscious about their skin. All of us desire to have young, healthy and glowing skin as it is a valuable asset as well as represents our inner beauty. Many people spend lots of money on different types of cosmetic items to get healthy and shiny skin but they don’t get the desired results. It is very easy to achieve healthy and shiny skin with

Health Benefits of Waking Up Early

All of us already knew that we should wake up early in the morning but waking up early is not easy task especially for those who sleep very deeply. Our elders always wake up early and they are much more active and healthy compared to us. As per study done by Roehampton University, people who wake up early in the morning are healthier, happier and in better shape than those who wake up late.

Kamis, 29 September 2011

Harmful Kitchen Appliances

Kitchen and home appliances are important part of our lives. All of us use regular kitchen appliances daily. They make our lives easier, faster, hassle-free as well as save lots of time which is the most precious thing in this hectic lifestyle. Sometimes these kitchen appliances are potentially hazardous and can cause injuries from burns to severed fingers if they are not used properly. In

Rabu, 28 September 2011

Fruits & Vegetables that make you Stronger

Good nutrition plays a vital role in preserving and boosting your immunity. A well-balanced diet plan with enough fruit and vegetables can help in several diseases such as cancer, heart disease etc. because it contains more vitamin C, fiber, and other important nutrients. Most of vegetables are naturally low in calories and fat. Fruits and Vegetables provide energy and help to balance glucose

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Foods that strengthen Eyesight

Ocular nutrition is an essential requirement to maintain eye health and vision. Ocular nutrition is required in each part of the human eye to improve healthiness of eye. Eye health and healthy vision is related with healthiness of each and every individual part of eye; the cornea, macula, pupil, iris, lens, retina, the vitreous humor and optic nerve. There are many things related to our vision

Effective Kitchen Tips for Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder, in which the use of glucose by the body is completely or partially prevented. Nowadays, this is the common disease found in most of the people in India as well as in USA due to many reasons. To prevent the diabetes or to control it, one should consume nutritional foods in right quantity and in right manner. If it is uncontrolled, then it causes damage to the

Minggu, 25 September 2011

Old-Fashioned Natural Beauty Secret for Women

The synthetic beauty of recent age can not be compared with the natural beauty of the women in the golden age. In those days, women prefer home made remedies or natural ingredients for shiny, smooth and blemish-free skin. Today, there is great craze of chemical based beauty products among the women, but using number of expensive creams, lotions and potions to get natural, beautiful and glowing

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Health benefits of Yawning

Yawning is a natural practice which is experienced by all the people from babies to oldies in their life. It is considered to be an indication of tiredness, boredom or sleepiness. Yawning is contagious means if you see somebody yawning you will yawn too. Even if you read about yawning you will get the same reaction. As per Discovery Health, fifty five percent people yawn within 5 mins if 1

Jumat, 23 September 2011

Foods for Strengthening Bones

It is said that, if the amount of meat is less in your body, then no problem at all but the bones should be stronger. Strong bones are essential requirement for strong personality. You cannot be successful in your life without strong bones. Lack of care can damage the bones including the teeth, spine, jawbone, hip and leg bones. To be safe from this condition, achieve the maximum possible bone

Rabu, 21 September 2011

Herbal Health Benefits of Little Anise

Over the years, the use of herbal remedies is gradually increased as they are free from chemicals and artificial substances. Anise, also called aniseed is a miracle herb as it contains many medicinal properties like carminative, expectorant, anti septic, decongestant, digestive, sedative, stimulant and antispasmodic. Pimpinella anisum is the scientific name for anise and it belongs to the

Tips to live a Long Life

Life is become more beautiful for the people who know the various ways to enjoy the life. Although our life is short and temporary; we can maximize the span of our life by relishing each moment of life and living healthy. No smoking, daily exercise, weight control and smart healthy diet can help you to live a Long Life. According to researchers, these simple tricks decrease the risk of death. By

Selasa, 20 September 2011

Tips for Eco-friendly Dorm Room

Every year, 1000s of college young men and women move into the wonderful world called dorm living. Living in the dorm at college is among the biggest adjustments of college but it can be fun and exciting. During the college career, dorm room becomes the home of the college students. Green living is increasing for college students day by day and college is the best time for them to start

Senin, 19 September 2011

Harmful Foods and Drinks for Bones

Most of the people think that they have a strong and stable skeleton structure as their mothers served healthy foods while their growing age. However in actual fact, our bones are continuously absorbing and exuding minerals, which demands the healthy and bone-friendly diet throughout our entire life. In our bodies, bones have an essential role and they get damaged not only from the fracturing a

Herbal Benefits of Honey

Honey is a sugary and thick solution made by bees and has antioxidant property. Honey is an affluent source of carbohydrates which can be easily digested by the body. Honey is a better substitute for sugar, but there is not any healthy substitute for it. It is also useful in many other things. Honey is an antibacterial and antifungal substance which is comprised of sugar like glucose and

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Health Benefits of Sweet Dates

Sweet dates are something which is loved by almost everyone. Dates grow on palm trees which are found in mainly dry and arid regions like Northern Africa and the Middle East. Now, dates are also grown in different parts of the world. Dates are dark reddish brown in color and have a long woody seed in it. Dates are fleshy fruit and have wrinkled skin and sticky feel. Three types of dates like

Rabu, 14 September 2011

Daily Habits that Cause Back Pain

Almost everyone has few bad habits as a part of their life. Many people may not even realize that they picked up some bad habits. Once you get trapped into the bad habits, it is very difficult to break them. Nowadays, nearly 80 percent of adults experience back pain at some point in their lives due to number of bad habits that contribute to it. Many of our daily habits are relatively harmless

Sweet Benefits of Bitter Neem

Neem tree, also known as Margosa tree, is a native of India and it is India's best kept secret from very long time. Neem tree is very popular in India and also in all over world owing to its great medicinal benefits and other beneficial effects which have been acknowledged centuries ago. The botanical name of Neem is Azadirachta indica and it belongs to the family meliaceae. Neem tree is a part

Selasa, 13 September 2011

Indian Tips for Healthy Memory Power

Nowadays, everyone is harassed due to their habit of forgetting. Many times people cannot memorize their relative’s address or telephone number; they forget where they left the book yesterday. Weakness of memory power is a common problem nowadays due to unhealthy diet. Many mothers have grievances that their kids obtain low marks in the exam due to the trouble of weak memory. Every one wishes to

Painkillers is linked to Miscarriage Risk

Some recent studies have shown that the use of certain painkiller can increase the risk of miscarriage. Women, who are taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) during their first 20 weeks of pregnancy, have increased the chances of losing baby. NSAIDs include popular painkillers like naproxen and ibuprofen. Generally, they are used to treat muscle injuries, headaches, and menstrual

Kamis, 08 September 2011

Indoor Activities for Children in Rainy Days

Outdoor games and activities keep the children away from the distractions such as the T.V. and computer as well as help them to relax and sleep better because these activities work on all their large muscles more easily. However as the rainy days arrive, kids’ options for getting on the move get reduced. As well, children get bored during the rainy days as they can't go outside to play. Just

Rabu, 07 September 2011

Symptoms of Cholesterol harming your Legs

PAD (Peripheral Artery Disease) is a common problem which develops slowly over time as well as has no symptoms for long period of time. Generally, PAD affects the legs and feet. People suffering from high cholesterol, diabetes, advanced age, high blood pressure or those who are inactive or smoke are at higher risk of developing this disease. In U.S., around 8 to 12 million people are suffering

Treatment Guidelines for Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry Eye Syndrome is very common condition that takes place due to inadequate lubrication and wetness in the eyes. In this condition, either your eyes are not able to produce sufficient tears or tears produced by eyes get speedily disappeared. Your eyes get swollen due to speedily evaporate of tears. Dry eye syndrome becomes the reason of discomfort and ache in the eyes so there is need

Neuroaids- A Disease of Memory Loss in HIV+ Patient

HIV/AIDS (human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is primarily an immune system disorder but it also has an effect on the nervous system and may lead to a number of severe neurological disorders. NeuroAIDS, the novel neurologic disorders, are prime consequence of damage to the peripheral and central nervous system by HIV. The clinical syndromes of Neuroaids include

Selasa, 06 September 2011

Health Benefits of Cardamom

Cardamom, the queen of the spices, is widely used in pungent and sweet dishes to provide a strong aroma and flavor. In Ayurvedic medicine, this aromatic spice is considered as a very useful and effective medicine. Cardamom is a dried fruit of a plant and is indigenous to the Middle East, Scandinavia, and North Africa. Cardamom is grown in only few tropical countries including Sri Lanka, India

Senin, 05 September 2011

Sjogren's Syndrome : Symptoms & Treatment

Sjogren's syndrome is a severe autoimmune disorder in which White blood cells (lymphocytes) attack and destroy the moisture-producing glands like tears and saliva producing glands, so the production of saliva and tears reduces. The name Sjogren's syndrome is given after a Swedish ophthalmologist, Dr.Henrik Sjögren, it was called "keratoconjunctivitis sicca" in the early 1900s. The main symptoms

Minggu, 04 September 2011

Yoga for Diabetes Cure

An ancient method of exercise, yoga maintains all functions of the body and mind at their optimum level. Almost all diseases can be controlled well by yoga, including diabetes - the 'Mother of all Diseases'. Diabetes takes place when the body becomes unable to produce sufficient amount of insulin hormones to break down the ingested sugar. Insulin helps to regulate the blood sugar by converting

Sabtu, 03 September 2011

Foods that detox your Body Naturally

Everyday, human body gets exposed to different toxins, such as food additives, preservatives, air pollutants and other carcinogens. Besides this, the body may also discharge the toxins inside, triggered by anxiety and stress. According to experts, every human-being could carry more than 90 toxins at one time. Dioxins, PCBs, mercury, lead, and pollutants are the most dangerous among them. So, it

Jumat, 02 September 2011

Causes & Treatment for Dark Eye Circle

Nowadays everyone is beauty conscious and no one wants to look ugly. Dark circles under eyes make a beautiful face very ugly and it is an extremely common beauty complaint. Day to day, women become victim of it due to excessive stress and changes in living. Almost everyone has experience of dark circles under the eyes. Dark circles under the eyes, also called as dark rings or shadows under the