Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

Natural Tips For Beautiful Lips

Eyes are the most beautiful and lips are the most attractive parts of the face. Every one wants their lips to look soft, smooth and beautiful. In today’s busy life, taking care of natural beauty is becoming very hard and if we find  any defect in our beauty, we try to solve it by using artificial methods like makeup, lipsticks and other stuff. Mostly, lips are found artificially decorated as

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Stevia Herb: Natural Cure For Diabetes

Diabetes, a very common and severe disorder nowadays, is a complex hormonal disorder of protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Diabetes mellitus is mainly an outcome of defect of the insulin receptors or a complete or relative deficiency of insulin secretion by the Langerhans beta cells of the pancreas. Diabetes mellitus occurs when body doesn't fulfill the requirement of insulin to maintain

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

4 Tips that Cure Constipation for lifetime

If we have healthy body, we can do our work actively and vigorously as well as our mind remains enthusiastic. Healthy digestive system helps us to perform up to our potential. Almost everyone has suffered from the constipation once in their life but when it becomes chronic, it is difficult to deal with. In constipation, the bowel movement becomes irregular or infrequent and the stool remains for

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Live in relationships vs Marriage: Pros & Cons

Live in relationships, also called as ‘cohabitation' is an alternative for marriage, by which two person of same or different sex can live together without any legal rights against each other. However it is more common in western countries than in India. It is a pure form of modern adultery which is formed purely on the pillars of fashionable and individual life style. Youth generation of today

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Sleeping with Contact Lenses could invite blindness

Nowadays many different types of contact lenses are available in the market. Most of the people choose soft contact lenses compared to the spectacles. Users of the soft contact lenses must follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Any contact lens wearer, who use lenses for far longer than the recommend of manufacturer or left it overnight, can potentially invite infections and other problems of

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Coriander oil could be used to cure Food Poisoning & Superbugs

An aromatic plant, coriander is extensively used in Mediterranean and Indian cuisine. Oil extracted from the seeds of the coriander plant is the most used essential oil and has been shown to be deadly to a wide range of harmful bacteria. Coriander oil is already utilized as a food additive and offers numerous health benefits, including pain relief, cure of nausea, ease of cramps and convulsions,

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

High Fiber Fruits and Vegetables for Kids

Now-a-days kids like to eat cookies, fast food, pizzas, cake, chocolates, chips and burgers that are high in fat & sugars as well as low in fiber. These types of foods are not healthy and lead to obesity which is the main cause of several health problems. So these unhealthy foods should be balanced with healthy foods which are needed for a growing body. Fiber is vital ingredient for overall

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Smart Kitchen Tips

Cooking becomes a field of competition nowadays and every woman is crazy to become a smart and perfect housewife. Each and every woman wants to do trouble free work in her kitchen. Some of them refer magazines, TV shows, internet etc. to solve day to day cooking related queries. Some handy tips to avoid trouble time in your kitchen are given below. Hope that by use of these tips you may solve

Spa Massages for Health and Beauty

Spa massages is all about relaxation as the main aim of the health spa therapy is to provide a human a spiritual well being. The main and basic parts of the spa therapy are natural cures, music, yoga, smooth surroundings, oils, plants and herbs, and gem stones. There are various therapies in a spa such as aromatherapy, massage, body wraps, etc., which helps to relax the body. Spa massage therapy

Bhajan Kaur, a snake woman teaches Kundalini Yoga

Hari Bhajan Kaur (Kwali Kumara) is a yoga guru who illustrates herself as a mad snake lady. She is the founder of snake yoga, the latest and most extraordinary yoga. Snake yoga is a form of Kundalini Yoga which includes physical positions along with breathing, meditating and chanting. In her yoga classes and workshops, she includes tamed snakes deserted by their owners at the Snakey Sue’s

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Kundalini Yoga: Benefits & Dangers

More than 22 different kinds of Yoga are there in the world, which helps to improve health and shape of the body. Kundalini yoga is one of them. Kundalini word comes from Sanskrit word which means “coiling like a snake” or “coiled up”. This yoga is among the most powerful types of yoga that works with kundalini energy. Kundalini energy is untapped energy which is situated at the spine base.

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Disadvantages of Painkillers

Pain relievers are among the most prevalent used drugs which give temporary relief from pain. Most of the people consume painkillers (pain medications) daily to deal with different types of pain from a headache to chronic back pain. Pain killers suppress the chemicals formation in body which cause pain or bind to Central Nervous System’s opioid receptors and thereby reduce the pain. Many people

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Easy Anti Stress Exercises

Almost every people have experienced little stress at some stage of their life. Stress comes from many external influences such as relationships, job, or physical environment. In an attempt to cope the condition, such kinds of external influences lead to a stress as a response to our mind. Excessive stress is a silent killer of the body; if it is not treated well, then it can be responsible for

Benefits of recycling Christmas Tree

Everybody likes to decorate Christmas tree for Christmas. People who create a real tree must think about its usefulness after the season ends. After Christmas, millions of real Christmas trees are thrown out on the streets where it will only finish up in a landfill. Instead of throwing Christmas trees on the streets or garbage, try to recycle it. These Christmas Trees are eco-friendly which

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Advantages of Aloe Vera: One herb has many Cures

In any corner of garden or home, almost everyone has seen plant with spiny leaves but very few people are acquainted about its importance in life. This plant has been called as Aloe Vera which offers many astonishing health benefits. Aloe vera is a great way to improve health and beauty naturally. The herb, aloe vera is widely used in the preparation of many cosmetic products. Loaded with herbal

Exercises To Get Rid of Beer Belly

Beer Belly is among the most common problem that affects most of men. However women are also affected by this problem. Compared to women, men are more affected by beer belly as men's bodies have a tendency to deposit more fat in the belly while women's bodies spread fat around to the arms, hips, waist and chest. Beer belly is very easy to put on but very difficult to take off. Beer belly gives

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Best Natural Oils for your Beauty

Natural oils have been used throughout the world since centuries to soothe, smooth & improve complexions of the skin and help to nourish scalp, hair and nail. Natural skin care is among the best skin care remedies as there will be no chemical agents. Natural oils are extracted from flowers, bushes, roots, trees and seeds. Most of the skin care products available in the market are loaded with

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Benefits You should Know About Morning Walk

In today's fast paced and busy life, people have to face many problems if they do not make any changes in their life style. Day by day, people’s fond about the eating is increasing and most of people’s lives are dependent only on the fast foods. To stay fit and remain healthy, the time requirement is just thirty minutes a day but mostly individuals find it difficult to adhere to a regular

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Kiwifruit: Health Benefits & Nutrition Facts

Kiwi fruit, one type of exotic fruit, is the national fruit of China and hence also referred as Chinese gooseberry. The name of the Kiwi fruit has come from a brown flightless bird kiwi, native of New Zealand. This extensively recognized and superbly unique fruit is the most nutrient dense of all major fruits and is indigenous to eastern Chinese "Shaanxi" province. In china, kiwi fruits are named

Strange Benefits of Sirsasana (headstand)

In yoga practice, Sirsasana (headstand) is one of the most important yoga poses. Nicknamed as "king" of all the yoga poses or the "queen of all poses", headstand benefits the whole body when practiced safely. In the Sirsasana, the body is totally reversed and held on the crown of the head supported by the forearms. A very important group of asanas, inverted asanas reverse the gravity action of

Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips for younger Look Naturally

Now-a-days, everybody desires to look beautiful and younger than their age. No one wants fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and crow's feet but aging is an important part of our lives. Skin starts aging because with the age, the production of collagen decreases and free radicals increase. Ageing cannot be reversed but its effects can be delayed. To delay the aging process and to encourage skin

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Tips to remain safe while using Escalators

Escalators are the best and most efficient mass transit system which helps the people to travel up and down floors safely. Escalators are used in shopping malls, offices, airports, condos, etc. They are safe but accidents can happen if they are not used properly. Small children and old people are at higher risk of escalator accidents so it is very important to help them while on an escalator and

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Cheap Superfoods for Healthy Life

Today, one of the major risks to our health and survival is the lack of appropriate nutrition. Luckily, nature has given us some superfoods; which are generally low in calories and contain some critically important nutrients in high amount. Due to presence of vital nutrients, these superfoods help to defeat the nutritional challenges. “You are what you eat”, the saying may be heard by you many a

Selecting the Right Bonsai Pot for your Tree

Bonsai trees are becoming more popular these days. Bonsai is a Japanese word which means a plant in a tray. To keep Bonsai tree, lots of work and dedication is needed as these trees must be trimmed and cared continuously. To give miniaturization effect to bonsai tree, it is essential to choose the right type of pot. Selecting the right bonsai pot for bonsai tree is not easy. It is an art in

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Know Sweet Benefits of Sour Lemon

Sour taste of lemon juice adds distinctive flavor in various dishes and is loved by many people. Very popular fruit for its culinary and medicinal purpose, lemon is a part of citrus family. It is originated in India and very easily available throughout the year. Lemon juice contains about 5 percent citric acid which provides a sour taste to lemon. Lemons are used by the central and South American

Hidden Nutritional health benefits of Palm Oil

Palm oil, a part of the vegetable oil family, is actually the nutrition-packed beneficial fat source that can supply number of health benefits to the body. Palm oil is a rich source of saturated fatty acids and natural chemical compounds but it is good for the overall health and nutrition. Particularly, red palm oil has been well-known for its nutritional health benefits, which is obtained from

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

How to Lose Weight using Water?

Now-a-days weight loss has become a big issue throughout the world. People who are over weight always search for the fastest means to lose weight and spend billions of dollars every year. Many weight loss program, diet pills and slimming teas are available in the market, which promise weight loss in a short period of time. But all these methods of weight loss are not safe. An alternative method

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

How to Measure Breast Cup Size at Home?

Believe it or not, 8 in 10 women are wearing the wrong size bra. Nearly all women make the common mistake - they wear a bra which is either too loose around the back or too small in the cups. If you select the cups that are too small then it compress the breasts and force them to swell out the sides and if you wear cups that are too big in size, it can pucker your breast. It doesn’t matter

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

Bitter Bitter gourd's Sweet Health Benefits

Bitter gourd is one of the healthiest vegetables in the world but as the name suggests, this vegetable has a strong bitter taste. However, people who are fond of eating tasty food, avoid consumption of this vegetable due to its bitterness. Bitter gourd has unattractive appearance; it looks more like a cucumber with unsightly gourd-like bumps all over it. Bitter gourd is a staple food in a range

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Red Chili's Health Benefits

Everyone knows about the spicy nature of the red chili which adds on heat and flavor to any meal. Besides giving spicy flavor, chilies add some nutritive elements to the food. Chili pepper is belonging to the family of foods, Solanaceae. A culinary spice, red chili is a powerhouse of nutrition. It contains vitamin C and carotene in high amount. Green and yellow chilies contain a significantly

Easy Indian Tomato Soup Recipe using Fresh Tomatoes

Tomato Soup is among the tastiest soups, which is liked by everyone. It is the most popular dish in India and has taken the front page in Indian restaurants menu. Tomato soup has juicy and tangy flavor with a pleasant smell of ripe tomatoes. Tomato soup made with fresh tomatoes is very nutritious and healthy compared to canned soup. Homemade fresh tomato soup is also cheaper and tasty than

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Ayurvedic Tips to Glow your Face and Skin Naturally

Glowing and healthy skin adds on to your personality as well as reflects of the inner healthiness of your body. Almost every person has a desire to have a flawless, shiny and radiating skin which can always make them noticeable in the crowd. To get beautiful and fair complexion, people attempt a lot of things and at last end up with a lot of expenses for nothing. Nowadays, many cosmetic products

Small Fennel Seeds have Big Health Benefits

Are you acquainted with how fennel seeds are beneficial for a healthy body? Fennel seed represents longevity, strength and courage. As well, fennel seeds have so many herbal properties which are beneficial for health of all. Fennel is an edible herb, bearing the scientific name Foeniculum Vulgare. Though fennel is popular culinary herb, it has number of other properties which make it a superb

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

How to Test Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder?

Generally, Borderline Disorder Personality is spread throughout the pattern of instability. BPD is a mental illness during which a person has an unclear self-image, unstable moods and he or she is unable to maintain healthy, stable and close relationships with others. As there is not any definitive test, diagnosing borderline personality disorder (BPD) is somewhat complicated. To recognize

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Ayurvedic Uses of Ashwagandha Herb : Health Benefits

The ancient Indian herb, Ashwagandha has 4000 years old medicinal history. In Ayurveda, it is among the vital herbs as well as considered as the king of herbs. Ashwagandha is also recognized as Indian ginseng or Winter cherry. It is available in both cold and warm regions of India. It is used to treat number of diseases such as breath-related disease, female disease, fevers, insomnia,